Great Website:

Several have emailed us a Porntopurity  to tell us about a great website:

Setting Captives Free is a very helpful site that has free online courses for all sorts of addiction issues and for Christian maturity.

God's grace is stronger than the pull of sin!

I am currently working through their 60-day Way of Purity course.

thumb-way-of-purityHOW IT WORKS

  1. Register and sign up for whatever course you want
  2. You take the course online at your own pace
  3. You can select to have a volunteer mentor oversee the process
  4. Read the information and scriptures for each day. Answer as many questions as you wish.



Accountability – After every session you are asked to respond to questions about sexual purity (immorality, self-gratification, etc.) then it gives you places to elaborate what was going on in your heart and with your circumstances. The accountability only you checking a box, but it’s a good step. It encourages you to be honest and talk it out.

There is also a Progress Meter showing you how many pages you have read that day and what percentage of the program you have completed.

The material also calls you to a commitment in completing all of the material. This is on your own honor, but it’s a little more serious when you check off a box saying you will go through it all.


CounselingMentoring – This is an optional feature. I love the idea of volunteers helping you along the way! Many of us don’t know where to find mentors around us.


User-friendly – The design of the site is wonderful. Each daily lesson has a great layout and flow. The “next page” and “next lesson” buttons are easy to understand. I really like the progress bar.


bibleBiblically-centered material – Each lesson is filled with Scripture. It doesn’t beat you down with just bible verses either. There is a nice balance of biblical guidance, personal guidance, and testimonies. Getting your life in concert with the Bible is definitely a priority with this site.


Encouraging and challenging – Some teachings can beat you down, even bully you, or make you feel shame. This material takes the form of a wise friend guiding you through important points that will help with your healing and finding sexual purity.


Boxes where you can write your thoughts – I like this option. Reading and reflecting is good, but interacting with you by asking you to write things down and elaborate. After many of the boxes, there are quotes from others who have taken the course. Very cool! You really feel like you are part of the community, and not alone.


Go at your own pace – If you wanted to, you could whiz through all 60 lessons. But why would you want to? You can take your time through the material. Let it soak in. Come back to it later if you want. Great feature.



God's grace is stronger than the pull of sin!

I’d love to hear from those of you who have been to the site and taken one of the courses. Leave a blog comment.

What about the other online courses?   How have they been?

2 thoughts on “Great Website:

  1. I’ve been through this course twice. Once for myself and once in preperation to starting a mens support and accountability group. The guys in the group are in one way or another going through the course (online or offline, there is a book available) as their strength s and weaknesses allow. I don’t encourage any of the guys to take the course online if they are struggling with the internet, unless they have something setup to block all but their critical sites (K9 web filter is a great tool for this) like email and this course.

  2. I have completed the course, I am 5 months pure and currently attending celebrate recovery. I am pure by the grace of God.

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