Losing My Leadership

One of the consequences of falling to sexual sin was losing my ability to lead my family and the church I was serving.     I had worked hard learning to be a leader in my church.  I was the leader of my family and an emerging leader among my peers.  I felt like I wasContinue reading “Losing My Leadership”


We had a guy come to our men’s purity group recently, and it was the highlight of my week to hear him talk.   I love to hear a new person share his junk for the first time.  There is a fresh brokenness in many new guys.  There is a strong desire to figure it out. Continue reading “A NEW GUY AT GROUP SHARES HIS STORY”

The Importance of Being Open About Your Sins

I found a great verse when I was reading my Bible this morning: “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”  Proverbs 28:13 NIV   I have found this to be so true.   I have had a history of concealing my sins.  I tried, like Adam andContinue reading “The Importance of Being Open About Your Sins”